The proponents of LOVEDROGHEDA believe that the future prosperity and well being of Drogheda City is very much dependent on the ability of its people to work together. Many of the projects we are proposing are dependent on groups of people in Drogheda coming together and collaborating.
It is a proven fact that towns and cities that collaborate, are economically and socially vibrant, attract inward investment and funding, are progressive and places that people want to make home.
Many of the projects proposed will involve the BID company and rate payers working together with many organisations in Drogheda and collaborating to make the projects happen. This means conducting business in a positive, respectful and constructive manner.
The Spring Clean weekend from 4th to the 6th March was the first joint venture of Louth County Council and Meath Co Council and involved many local community groups participating in a massive spring clean of areas around the town. Drogheda Tidy Towns group were heavily involved and organised the clean-up of Dominic’s Park and the ramparts areas. For our part, the team at the Love Drogheda BID conducted a litter clean-up of Dyer Street andWellington Quay areas, as well as Bachelor’s Lane and the Highlanes steps. We were delighted to take part and to see all the tremendous work that had been done over the weekend by the many community groups across the town. Litter is a massive issue in Drogheda town and we look forward to taking part in more projects like this to ensure that the town and its surrounding environs is a clean and pleasant place to be. Congratulations to Louth and Meath CountyCouncils on their successful first collaboration project.